3 Reasons Why You've Been Wasting Your Money On Fish Oils

[Read Time: 2-3 minutes]
There are just a few supplements on the market that are essential for living a healthy lifestyle. Fish Oil is one of them, but you've been wasting your money this whole time.
Wasting my money? What does that even mean?
Hate to tell you this, but you should just throw away what you have in the fridge as what you have maybe rancid and causing your body more harm than good.

You see, fish oil is BIG business for supplement companies. When you have hundreds and hundreds of brands that compete against each other on the price, the overall quality of the fish oil is reduced to help with costs. This doesn't benefit you, the consumer.

Let's learn why you've been wasting your money:

#1. Your fish is in the ethyl ester form, and you had no idea.

Most of the fish oil you see on store shelves is in the ethyl ester (EE) form instead of the natural triglyceride (TG) form, which is the most beneficial and most bio-available for us. In processing and removing the toxins from the fish oil, the TG is broken into EE. 

This type does not exist in any food source in the world as it is biochemically altered. It is expensive for companies to convert the EE back to the natural TG form so this step is almost always skipped. Nature knows best, so converting it back to the natural form is essential. Always, always, always look for Triglyceride Form on your fish oil bottle. If it isn't there, then DON'T BUY IT!

#2. Your fish oil is under-dosed and won't even benefit a toddler.

A common trick most supplement companies use is boldly printing 1,000 mg on the front of the bottle. Then you go to flip it over and discover there's only 300 mg of EPA/DHA, and the rest is 700 mg of soybean oil. This is unhealthy and definitely not good to consume.

Also, the EPA/DHA isn't even broken down, so you don't have the correct ratio that is needed.

Correct ratio?
Yes, there is a correct ratio, and it should always be 3:2. Nowhere in all the vast oceans of planet earth will you find a high DHA fish swimming around or even a high EPA one. This is yet again another clever marketing technique by companies to maximize profits. How so? Well, they make more money if they can sell three separate products as opposed to just one with the correct EPA/DHA.

#3. Lastly, you get fish burps and think it's normal.

Wrong. Just wrong. Believe it or not, you don't have to go through life with daily fish burps. Just take quality fish oil that isn't rancid. That's right rancid, rotten, spoiled. You see, fish oil is very easily oxidized, which means it can spoil very quickly. That explains why you will never see anyone cooking with it.

Next time you go fishing, try this experiment: reel in the fish and leave it sitting out in the sun for a couple hours and report back to me on how it smells. If you bought cheap fish oil at a CVS/Walgreens and got a case of the nasty fish burps, then you got yourself a bottle of rancid fish oil. Probably explains why it was $9.97.

Rancid fish oil actually promotes inflammation which is the exact opposite of what we wanted in the first place! By saving a few bucks, you literally paid to cause your body harm. So, take this post with you when you go shopping and invest in real fish oil.