5 Reasons Why Chia Seeds Are Good For You

Scary News About the Danger of Chia Seeds

What Exactly Are Chia Seeds?

These taste-less, tiny things called “Chia seeds” come from a plant in the mint family (Salvia hispanica L.) cultivated in Central and South America. They were once a major food source for the Aztecs and Mayas back in their heyday. In fact, ‚ 'chia' is Mayan for 'strength.' 

They sport two different varieties—creamy white and grey-black—which can be used interchangeably. The weird brown-colored chia seeds are not fully mature. But don’t worry, they’ll reach puberty soon and change color.

The content in these little things is extravagant. They contain a high amount of fiber, protein, antioxidants and are literally packed full of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is the plant form of omega-3 fatty acids. But unlike flax seeds, chia seeds don't get rancid as quickly. People with celiac disease need not fear as chia seeds are gluten-free. 

Can Chia Seeds Help With Fat Loss?

Chia seeds are also thought to help keep your waistline trim by sucking up 10‐12 times their weight, forming a gel in your stomach that can curb vicious simple carb cravings by making you feel full longer. They also slow the digestive process that breaks down carbs and converts them to sugar, which means fewer carbs feeding the fat cells around your midsection. Oh, and for you, vegans out there, don't you fret. These seeds can act as an egg-replacer with their gelatinous-like binding powers. Go ahead, try it, you green thumbs you.

What Does the Research Show Us?

In animal testing, rats who were fed chia seeds saw significant reductions in LDL ("bad") cholesterol and triglycerides, while blood levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol and omega‐3s increased. The mechanism for such effects is unknown, as EPA and DHA do not cut LDL cholesterol. 

Another randomized trial tested a beverage consisting of chia seeds, soy protein, oats, and nopal (cactus) versus placebo in 67 patients with Diabetes. After two months, those assigned to the tested beverage lost weight and improved triglyceride and blood-sugar levels. 

Other small trials showed reduced post-meal glucose levels and raised ALA and EPA levels. Some evidence suggests that consuming milled chia seeds, rather than the whole, allows much more ALA to reach the bloodstream. This results in a higher conversion to EPA.

Green Chia Seed Smoothie

Tropical Green Chia Seed Smoothie


1 tablespoon of whole chia seeds contains:
60 calories
15 g total carbohydrates
4 g fiber
2 g protein
4 g total fat
0.5 g saturated fat
2.4 g omega‐3s
Zero cholesterol
164 mg calcium
140 mg magnesium


1. "Should You Jump on the Chia Seeds Bandwagon?" Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter (2013): 6-7. Corporate ResourceNet. Web.

2. Coorey, Rani, Audrey Tjoe, and Vijay Jayasena. "Gelling Properties of Chia Seed and Flour." Journal of Food Science 79.5 (2014): n. pag. School of Public Health and Curtin Health Innovation Research Inst., Curtin Univ. Web.

3. "Chia." Better Nutrition 76.6 (2014): 8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 May 2014.