Is an Aspirin a Day Good or Bad for Your Heart?

Photo Credit: © Sherry Young

Have you ever suffered a stroke or a heart attack? No doubt you may have taken some low-dose aspirin as a remedy. But is daily aspirin use a healthy choice?

In this article, we will discuss the shocking side effects that a daily dose of aspirin has on your heart health.

What is aspirin?

Aspirin is a medication classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Aspirin was the first NSAID to be discovered.

Salicylate is an important component of this drug. Salicylate is a compound present in myrtle and the willow tree. They were first used over 4000 years ago.

Even Hippocrates used the willow bark to treat fevers and pain. To date, some people still use it as a remedy for minor pain and headaches.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have the following effects:

  • Reduces fever
  • Relieves pain
  • Higher doses can help to lower inflammation

It is important to note that NSAIDs are not steroids. While steroids may share similar benefits with NSAIDs, they are contraindicated in some people and may have very disturbing side effects.

It is also important to note that NSAIDs are non-narcotic analgesics. This implies that they do not cause stupor.

The aspirin trademark is owned by Bayer, a German pharmaceutical firm. Acetylsalicylic acid is the generic term for aspirin.

Medical uses of aspirin

Aspirin has several uses. These include relieving swelling and pain, managing some health conditions, and also reducing the risk of cardiovascular conditions in some people.

Some uses of aspirin include:

1. Relieving swelling and pain

Aspirin relieves mild to moderate swelling, pain, or both caused by underlying health conditions such as:

  • Menstrual cramps
  • The flu or cold
  • Migraine and arthritis
  • Strains and sprains
  • Headaches

2. Prevents cardiovascular events

Low-dose aspirin can reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions in some people. However, daily use isn’t safe for everyone. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), aspirin for cardiovascular conditions should be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

Low dose aspirin may be recommended for:

  • People with disease of the blood vessel or heart
  • People having poor blood flow to the brain
  • Diabetes patients
  • People who smoke
  • People experiencing hypertension or high blood pressure
  • People who have high blood cholesterol

It is worth noting that for those who do not have these conditions, the risks of prolonged aspirin use may overshadow the benefits.

3. Treatment of coronary events

Aspirin may be administered after a stroke, a heart attack, or other cardiovascular events to prevent the formation of clots, or death of the cardiac tissue.

It may also be included as part of a treatment plan for people with recent:

  • Ischemic stroke
  • A transient ischemic attack or mini-stroke
  • Revascularization surgery, like coronary bypass surgery or an angioplasty

Other medical uses of aspirin include:

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Pericarditis
  • Rheumatic conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Is aspirin bad for your heart?

Well, for several years, medical professionals recommended a daily dose of aspirin as preventive measures against heart attacks and stroke in people with a high risk for cardiovascular conditions.

However, three studies conducted in 2018 showed that aspirin may not be entirely beneficial for the health, and may even increase the risk of severe bleeding.

But despite these findings, many still hold on to the fact that aspirin can be beneficial for our heart health, especially for the elderly.

A study by E. S. Ford published in the International Journal of Epidemiology concluded that a daily dose of aspirin helped to prevent heart attacks. Of course, this study was published in major dailies globally. An extensive media campaign was launched by the drug industry promoting this unique discovery.

But there was a snag. You see, the study was conducted with buffered aspirin, which contains magnesium. Magnesium is known to prevent heart attacks. Follow-up studies showed that aspirin on its own had no preventive effects on heart attacks. However, not much attention was paid to the results from the follow-up studies.

Aspirin on its own had no preventive effects on heart attacks.

A new study reveals that millions of Americans take a daily dose of aspirin whether it is recommended by the doctor or not. These findings contradict the guidelines by the American Heart Association which states explicitly that adults who are above the age of 70 without a history of a heart attack, and people who have a high risk of bleeding should not take aspirin.

Yes. Aspirin may be beneficial to people who have had a stroke or a heart attack, but then, it is very important to consult your physician before taking it.

A diagnosis, physical examination, and other measures will be taken to fix the underlying cause of your heart attack.

Can the Keto diet help those with a heart attack?

The ketogenic diet contains a high amount of fats but very low on carbohydrates.

When you eat a ketogenic diet, your body develops ketones which then causes your body to move into a state of ketosis. What this means is that you’ll be burning fat for fuel. This is a trigger for weight loss.

But the question is: “How can fatty foods help a person with heart disease?”

Well, the answer isn’t so simple.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that ketone bodies have protective effects on the heart in cardiovascular disease patients.

According to the new research, a ketogenic diet enhances the breakdown of fatty acids in cells of the heart muscle. This results in the production of acetyl-CoA, an alternative form of fuel. The mitochondria then use this acetyl-CoA for energy rather than pyruvate.

It is suggested that intake of higher fat and lower-carb diets may be a nutritional approach to treating heart failure. According to the study, the diet helped to relieve heart failure by enhancing the breakdown of fatty acids instead of ketones.

Can a heart attack be prevented?

Many factors may not be under your control, but then, there are a few things you can do to lessen your chances of having an unhealthy heart. For instance, smoking is a major causative factor for heart disease. You can stop smoking as a way of reducing your risk. Other important ways include exercising, eating a healthy diet, getting quality sleep, and making sure your spine is in its normal position so you function optimally.

What can Foundational Correction do?

The foundation of our body is our spine and it protects the most important thing, our central nervous system. Our nerves regulate every single function in our body, including heart function. Wouldn’t it make sense that if there is a foundational shift of the spine it will cause an obstruction on these vital nerves which will then decrease the ability for the nerve to function to its full potential?

How strong is your foundation?

To further understand the nature of a Foundational Shift, consider that if a house has a poor foundation, you may find it leads to cracks in the walls, windows that do not close correctly, and floorboards that creak.

One may choose to continuously address these individual issues (symptoms) by filling in the cracks, lubricating the windows, and hammering another nail on the floor. However, the reality is that these individual issues will likely continue recurring until the underlying cause (foundation) is corrected.

To schedule a consultation and see if Foundational Correction is right for you, call our office at 813–560–0223 or visit here to book yours today and Experience the Foundational Difference.

Disclaimer: If you’re diabetic, take your medications and conduct regular blood glucose tests. For people with a heart condition, consult your doctor regularly and never skip your medication.


Arif H, Aggarwal S. Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) [Updated 2020 Jul 13]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from:

Colin W. O’Brien, Stephen P. Juraschek, Christina C. Wee. Prevalence of Aspirin Use for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the United States: Results From the 2017 National Health Interview Survey. Ann Intern Med.2019;171:596–598. [Epub ahead of print 23 July 2019]. doi:10.7326/M19–0953

Ford, E S. “Serum magnesium and ischaemic heart disease: findings from a national sample of US adults.” International journal of epidemiology vol. 28,4 (1999): 645–51. doi:10.1093/ije/28.4.645

John M, et al. Effect of Aspirin on disability-free survival in the healthy elderly. N Engl J Med 2018; 379:1499–1508. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1800722

Salva R. Yurista, Cher-Rin Chong, Juan J. Badimon, Daniel P. Kelly, Rudolf A. de Boer, and B. Daan Westenbrink. Therapeutic Potential of Ketone Bodies for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Apr, 77 (13) 1660–1669